Are you feeling: 

- stuck, overwhelmed, not taking care of yourself, and not quite sure how to pick yourself back up again?
- plateaued in your life, career or business, and unsure why things aren't moving forward? 
- like time is just slipping by, and post-pandemic you just can't envision your future or reach your goals
- like your happiness depends on everyone around you being happy, at the expense of your own? 
- there is that 'one thing' in your life that doesn't ever seem to change or improve?


- are you rocking your life, health, and career - and want to take it to the next level?! 

Wherever you are in life right now, there is always a way to move forward - and for you right now it's through my 8 week Breakthrough Program!  

The 8-week Results Breakthrough Program will help you break through these feelings to invite confidence and happiness back into your life!  You then have the option to continue with my Start Living Program if you wish. 

You will work one-on-one with Internationally Certified Results Coach and Bestselling Author, Naomi Dyer, and eliminate self-limiting beliefs, release trapped emotions, and become a  happier healthier version of yourself in all areas of your life! 

Each day your brain processes up to 70,000 thoughts. 

That's over 2000 per hour.  

Think about the last hour.  What were thinking about, and more importantly how many of those thoughts were negative, and aimed at yourself? 

These thoughts lead to choices, and each choice will have an effect on your day, week, year, life.   Some of us get stuck in the thought pattern that all we do is make the wrong choices, or mistakes, over and over again. 

Choices on health, career, relationships, finance, business, parenting, and more can either empower us, or feel like they are breaking us. 

With a results coach, you can learn how to break free from negative thought patterns and choices,  and ensure your choices empower you instead.   

Your coach will help you focus, clear negative thought patterns, emotions, guilt, and procrastination, and shine the light on the path for you to finally get the results you want in any area of your life.

Imagine, having me as your support guide through your life/career/business.  Someone who you can run ideas by, brainstorm with, or who can help you stay on track for a happier healthier life! 

Someone who won't judge, pass opinions, or naysay your amazing ideas for your fabulous life!
What is Results Coaching?

Results coaching is focused on helping you achieve the results you desire to achieve in your life.  This could be in any area of your life, career or business. 

Often results in your life may not be achieved because of mindset, and more importantly, blocks within your mindset that are causing you to repeat the same actions - and get the same result. over and over.  Results Coaching helps you break free of these repeated thoughts and actions.   By finding blocks that may be coming from past experiences and unblocking them, helping you uncover your values and utilising them to move you forward.   

A results coach holds the solid belief that you have the resources and resilience you need to achieve your dreams and shift your mindset. Coaching helps you to uncover them, and bring your inner strength and values to the forefront to help you along the way.  

Our clients are often surprised at what they can achieve after sparking up their true potential and letting it shine.   Believe me, yours is waiting for you to spark it too!

Say goodbye to: 

  • limiting beliefs
  • the drama triangle
  • unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • negative self-talk
  • self-sabotaging behaviours
  • unhealthy boundaries
  • putting everybody else before you
  • having trouble saying ‘no’
  • fears and doubts that are holding you back
  • career and business anxieties

Results coaching can help you: 

-  Gain clarity on the results you truly wish to achieve
-  Understand why this is so important to you
-  Discover your core values, and shadow value, that you can then use to help achieve your results instead of holding you back!
-  See relationships, experiences, and situations from a new empowering understanding
-  Understand how certain experiences or situations may have blocked your result, and clear them for a strong path forward. 
-  Get clarity on, and then remove any trapped emotions, and unconscious limited beliefs. 
-  Learn how to spark your inner light to taking voluntary empowering actions, instead of involuntary repetitive actions
-  Become your own best coach!
- Finally get the results you truly desire for yourself - and feel that sense of freedom! 
- Live a happier, healthier life!
The Coaching Program snapshot: 

All clients start with my...

This is designed to help break through any blocks and onward to creating positive momentum and empowering habits.

The program consists of:

From here access to a repeat Breakthrough Program if requested, or the option of joining the 'Start Living' monthly support program.

Remember - A year from now you will either be grateful - or wish - you had started today!

The choice is yours....

Option 1:
Start Now
Register for the next available place on my 8-week Breakthrough Program. If all places are filled you will be put onto the waitlist.  Don't worry, we'll contact you either way to let you know!

Option 2:
A little more info
Not sure this program is right for you? Book a FREE 30-minute call to ask your questions about the program - AND we'll talk through your goals, obstacles, and ideas. Don't stress this is NOT a sales call!  
Hear what others have to say...

Start getting your desired results today!

Book your FREE 30-minute call and see if the program is a good fit for you!