From Spinning to Winning!  The Art of Pivoting in Life.
What if the most challenging moments in your life are actually the catalysts for your greatest achievements?

For many of us, the global pandemic undoubtedly flipped our lives upside down and forced us to confront challenges we never imagined.

It tested us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

It forced us to confront our fears, adapt to new circumstances, and make difficult decisions.

It pushed us to adapt, think outside the box, and to pivot.

We suddenly had to reassess our priorities and find new paths forward. Some also found themselves reassessing friendships.

Our lives are full of twists and turns, and sometimes the path we thought was leading us to success in life, business or career takes us on a detour instead. It doesn’t have to be as major as a pandemic, however. Challenges and setbacks are a natural part of life, and everyone faces them from time to time. So it's really important for us to grasp how to be flexible and adapt when tough situations come our way.

Let’s take a look at the art of pivoting, what it means, and how you can face fears along the way!

What is pivoting?

Pivoting is being able to adapt to changing circumstances and take advantage of new opportunities. It's a valuable skill to have in any area of life, whether you're a business owner, climbing the corporate ladder, or just trying to navigate your personal life. Pivoting allows you to be more resilient in the face of challenges and to bounce back from setbacks stronger and more focused than ever before.

How do you know when it's time to pivot?

It doesn’t need to take a pandemic or major challenge to know it’s time to pivot. Sometimes it’s simply

  • Feeling stuck or unfulfilled: When you start to feel stagnant or unsatisfied with your current situation, it may be a sign that it's time for a change. Trust your intuition and listen to that inner voice urging you to explore new opportunities.

  • Feeling a loss of passion or enthusiasm: If you find yourself lacking the passion and enthusiasm you once had for your current path, it could be an indicator that you need to pivot. Reconnecting with your true passions and interests can help guide you towards a more fulfilling direction.

  • Changes in priorities and values: As we evolve, our priorities and values often shift. If you find that your current path no longer aligns with your core values or doesn't support the lifestyle you desire, it could be a sign that you need to make a change and pivot towards a new direction that better aligns with who you are now.

  • Feeling a constant urge for change: Sometimes, you can't shake off the feeling that something needs to change in your life. Whether it's a persistent desire for personal growth, a longing for new experiences, or a need to explore different career paths, this inner urge can be a clear indication that it's time to pivot and embrace new opportunities.
Figuring out your new direction

Once you've decided it's time to pivot, the next step is to figure out your new direction. This can be a challenging process, but it's important to take the time to really explore your options and identify new opportunities. Talk to people in your circle, do some research, and be open to new ideas. When you're pivoting, you're essentially starting over in some way, so allow yourself the time and space to think creatively and dream big. Grab a blank piece of paper, and get all of your ideas and obstacles or negative thoughts out of your head and in front of you on the paper. When you have it all out of your head and on paper, grab another piece, write only positive ideas, and map out your way forward.

Facing pivot fears

Pivoting can be scary, especially if you're leaving behind something that feels comfortable and familiar. But remember that fear is a natural part of growth, and it's important to face your fears head-on if you want to succeed. Don't let the fear of failure hold you back from making important changes in your life. Embrace the uncertainty and trust that you have the skills and abilities to succeed in your new direction. 

I became a victim of relational aggression which led me to have to pivot in order to remove myself from a toxic environment in one professional area of my life. It felt like I was going through a stage of grief from being so passionately involved in what used to be so positive and uplifting, to then suddenly having to find a new path forward in a completely different way that worked for me. Eventually, the feeling of loss shifted into a new shining path of creativity and finding ways to continue what I was doing, without putting myself in situations to experience the toxicity, AND it opened so many new doors for me. So just know, that while it can seem scary and/or sad, it can be done!

Having the courage to pivot is a bold and essential step toward personal growth and wellbeing. It takes inner strength to recognise, and admit, that your current situation is detrimental and to make a change. Pivoting might mean seeking new opportunities, pursuing a different career path, or even starting your own venture. It's about prioritising your mental and emotional health while embracing the uncertainty of change. Remember, taking that leap of faith can lead to a brighter and more fulfilling future where you can thrive!

Stay committed and flexible

Pivoting is a process, and it's not always a straight line from point A to point B. Be prepared to make adjustments along the way and stay open to opportunities that might come your way. At the same time, stay committed to your vision and your goals, and keep working towards them even when the going gets tough.

Ultimately, pivoting is a valuable skill to have in life. So the next time life throws you a curveball, remember that pivoting is the secret recipe for turning challenges into wins.

Naomi xo

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