Let's talk stress - and the day I was almost driven into the ocean!

Let's talk stress - and the day I was almost driven into the ocean!
The day I was almost driven into the ocean...

I'm usually an ‘action’ type of person, however, I do remember experiencing the freeze once when on a holiday in the Caribbean my family and I were in a mini-van after an island trip, and the lady reversing the van back down the pier to the ship got out, but hadn’t put on the handbrake properly.

The mini-van started rolling down the pier backward towards the ocean. I remember a wave of terror moving downwards through my body....

Eating mindfully, what's all the fuss about?

Eating mindfully, what's all the fuss about?
What are your mealtimes like?

Are they:

  • fast,
  • on the go,
  • family members sitting in different areas of the home,
  • several different types of meals served because everyone likes something different,
  • food being wasted
  • television on
  • distractions from the pings, dings, and vibrations of devices and
  • food eaten so fast it barely touched the plate before everyone is off doing their own thing?

Clean your space - Clear your mind!

Clean your space - Clear your mind!
Clean your space, Clear your mind!! 

What do these words mean to you?

  • the clutter in the garage that once housed your car?
  • the ‘junk room’ that is home to all of the things you can find a space for?
  • decluttering your home so your mind can be clear and focused?
What if I told you my quote doesn’t mean any of that?


3 ways you may be over-apologising!

3 ways you may be over-apologising!
Do you live apologetically?

It’s probably not something you’ve spent much time thinking about, but it can have a major impact on how your life evolves.

So what is it? Some examples are:

- Feeling as if you need to apologise for what you believe in.
- Automatically saying sorry in a disagreement, just to keep the peace.
- Feeling like you need to apologise simply for being you.

Something I have to work on now and then...


4-step Weekend Wellness Challenge

4-step Weekend Wellness Challenge
This weekend in my community I gave a challenge out that was super simple yet will give us busy women a huge sense of achievement - without impacting our weekend!  Here it is so you can challenge yourself any time you wish!

All you need to do is follow the 4 steps in the graphic below, and I have a little more about each step further in this blog. 

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