How 'clean' is your cleaner?

How 'clean' is your cleaner?
How much love do your lips receive?

Do you give them their own self-care time?

I’ll admit it’s not something I ever gave much attention to until I was at a beauty event and the presenter stated that they....


3 ways NOT to become a life list statistic!

3 ways NOT to become a life list statistic!
80% of women believe they will not fulfill their potential.

I truly find this so sad. In an age of repeatedly hearing ‘you can be/do whatever you want’.....why is this percentage still so high?

Are you in that percentage?

Fragrance & you enjoy or ache?

Fragrance & you enjoy or ache?

Oh, those sweet aromas of the ocean breeze, strawberry fields, and citrus bliss.  Light that wick and your home is instantly transformed into a place of beautiful aromas, happiness, and comfort.  Your guests will feel instantly at ease and welcome. Although some will get an instant headache and need to leave as soon as they can politely finish their cuppa and chat. Why? 

Unfortunately, many of the candles created these days are full of synthetic ingredients and fragrances. 


Why I'm so interested in Self-Care

Why I'm so interested in Self-Care
The awareness around self-care is something I focus on a lot.  
One of the reasons is that some women feel that self-care is being able to go to the toilet without a child coming with them.  Yes, I heard someone say that once. 

Whilst that can be seen by those of us who are mums as a 'luxury' (think about my bath mentioned above), it isn't self-care time. In my book I give you a lot of ideas for self-care, however, today I simply want you to embrace even the most basic to see that you can fit something into your day, even if you are reading this in your lunch break!

What does Start Living really mean?

What does Start Living really mean?
Have you ever had a defining moment in your life? 

One of those moments when you question everything.

One of those moments when all the trivial stuff - the mean girls, the stressing over the little things, the mother guilt, the spinning through life on autopilot day after day - just don’t really matter anymore?

I did. Mine was facing death.

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